Ghia is one of the brands that I think does a great job of standing out, I could totally see them as a brand in their category people think of first when recommending NA spirits or aperitif options. The brand is just so fucking cool and striking.

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Thanks for the indirect recommendation, Lauren! I'll check them out right now.

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Of course!

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I do like what they're doing! Smart messaging using the double meaning of "spirit," too. Didn't know this brand—glad you mentioned them!

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Loved this piece. So often marketers forget their work is not the center of people's lives and attention (no matter how many ads they stuff in weird places). People all have competing priorities and your brand isn't usually one of their top. Great reminders and fun example. Thanks for writing!

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Yep—when you live inside a company bubble, it becomes very easy to start assuming that everybody else sees/cares about your work as much as you do. The perception really does become skewed. So I thought this was a good and timely reminder as we start a new year. Thanks for your note, Meg!

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Very helpful reminder and example! Thank you!

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You're very welcome, Angela :)

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NOBODY is asking how you drew almost perfect squares by hand?

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...see? nobody was asking the truly important questions—until you showed up!

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