I saved this one! Your content is so usefull. I just feel bad I never took the time to comment to let you know :)

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Absolutely right. I’m lucky enough to be long in the tooth to be able to engage “strategically”.

Let me use an adjacent example - video - for clarity (it’s always easier to pick an example with some distance)

Company gets video person to shoot and edit a video. Lovely. But transactional. Video person never sees what happens to it, always chasing the next gig. There’s an invisible transactions line over which an asset is handed over.

Smarter video person asks: what’s this for? Tell me about the campaign. Advises. Offers help. Engages strategically by talking above the transactional paygrade. Contributes to making video work generally in the business. Gets recognised for making the business outcome, not just the video, happen. And becomes the CMO’s go-to.

Strategic means investing in the client and yourself and yields triple the rates for the 10% more effort.

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Good stuff.

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